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高炮射弹飞行时间拟合   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
用插值拟合和最小二乘逼近拟合方法对高炮射弹飞行时间拟合问题进行了研究。通过对插值拟合公式原理及误差规律的分析,提出确定可用区间的"去值检验"方法,说明了插值拟合公式的应用范围。通过对最小二乘拟合公式实际计算结果的分析,得出了"拟合公式阶数取3为最佳"的结论。对其他口径高炮的射弹飞行时间拟合也基本适用。  相似文献   
为了研究钢壳体PELE爆裂效应与影响因素之间的数学关系,对钢壳体PELE侵彻钢板进行了数值仿真和试验。采用均匀设计法设计仿真工况,将仿真结果进行回归分析,得出爆裂效应与影响因素之间的数学关系式,实弹侵彻实验结果与仿真结果基本吻合。研究表明,影响因素均与壳体爆裂长度成非线性关系,增大靶板厚度、弹芯长度和着速或减小壳体厚度均有利于提高钢壳体的爆裂效应。相关结论为PELE的工程设计和应用提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
采用结构有限元耦合流体边界元方法对不同肋骨、舱壁布置形式的圆柱壳的流固耦合响应进行了计算。通过波数谱方法,结合柱壳规则波的声辐射效率,对不同波数成分结构波的振动与声辐射进行了量化。运用等间距与不等间距结构振动理论揭示了肋骨、舱壁布置形式对圆柱壳水下振动与声辐射特性产生影响的机理。研究发现:结构不等间距布置的圆柱壳水下振动特性整体上较优,但受壳体周向振动模式影响较大;结构不等间距布置的圆柱壳声辐射特性并不一定优于结构等间距布置的圆柱壳声辐射特性。  相似文献   
分析了坦克装甲防护系统与反坦克武器系统的现状和发展趋势,提出了以杀伤爆破弹反坦克的思想,分析了杀伤爆破弹反坦克的可行性和毁伤机理,并通过试验进行了验证,提出了测试杀爆弹的破片和冲击波综合毁伤效果的方案,对我军反坦克武器的发展具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
研究一类具有时滞和常数收获率的比率型功能性反应的捕食—被捕食模型。首先,分析了模型奇点的类型,研究了正平衡点的局部稳定性以及Hopf分支的存在性;然后应用中心流形和规范型理论,得到了关于确定Hopf分支方向和分支周期解稳定性的计算公式;最后,应用Matlab软件对所得理论结果进行了数值模拟。  相似文献   
If the number of customers in a queueing system as a function of time has a proper limiting steady‐state distribution, then that steady‐state distribution can be estimated from system data by fitting a general stationary birth‐and‐death (BD) process model to the data and solving for its steady‐state distribution using the familiar local‐balance steady‐state equation for BD processes, even if the actual process is not a BD process. We show that this indirect way to estimate the steady‐state distribution can be effective for periodic queues, because the fitted birth and death rates often have special structure allowing them to be estimated efficiently by fitting parametric functions with only a few parameters, for example, 2. We focus on the multiserver Mt/GI/s queue with a nonhomogeneous Poisson arrival process having a periodic time‐varying rate function. We establish properties of its steady‐state distribution and fitted BD rates. We also show that the fitted BD rates can be a useful diagnostic tool to see if an Mt/GI/s model is appropriate for a complex queueing system. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 664–685, 2015  相似文献   
In Assemble‐To‐Order (ATO) systems, situations may arise in which customer demand must be backlogged due to a shortage of some components, leaving available stock of other components unused. Such unused component stock is called remnant stock. Remnant stock is a consequence of both component ordering decisions and decisions regarding allocation of components to end‐product demand. In this article, we examine periodic‐review ATO systems under linear holding and backlogging costs with a component installation stock policy and a First‐Come‐First‐Served (FCFS) allocation policy. We show that the FCFS allocation policy decouples the problem of optimal component allocation over time into deterministic period‐by‐period optimal component allocation problems. We denote the optimal allocation of components to end‐product demand as multimatching. We solve the multi‐matching problem by an iterative algorithm. In addition, an approximation scheme for the joint replenishment and allocation optimization problem with both upper and lower bounds is proposed. Numerical experiments for base‐stock component replenishment policies show that under optimal base‐stock policies and optimal allocation, remnant stock holding costs must be taken into account. Finally, joint optimization incorporating optimal FCFS component allocation is valuable because it provides a benchmark against which heuristic methods can be compared. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 158–169, 2015  相似文献   
双壳体潜艇的磁化特征与单壳体潜艇有较大区别,为了将其磁化特性分析清楚,建立了双层圆柱形铁壳桶的简易潜艇模型,并将其放置于地球磁场环境中,利用通电线圈产生的强大磁场对潜艇模型进行局部磁化;然后,以潜艇垂向磁场变化量作为分析对象,并结合舰船磁场规律、磁滞特性、退磁场等理论,对双壳体潜艇的磁场变化规律进行了定性分析。研究结果表明:双壳体潜艇的外壳磁化规律近似于单壳体潜艇,而由于外壳屏蔽地球磁场,内壳几乎只受到线圈磁化影响。该结论可以为舰船消磁作业等提供理论依据。  相似文献   
脉冲压缩体制斜向短波信道探测主要利用Zadoff-Chu序列良好的周期自相关特性进行相关检测。为使Zadoff-Chu序列的频谱特性与信道探测收发信机的要求相匹配,提出一种适合Zadoff-Chu序列的FDI内插算法,以改善其频谱特性,并与一般内插算法内插后的序列频谱进行比较。仿真结果表明:采用FDI内插算法插值后序列的频谱滚降更快,且几乎没有旁瓣,能量十分集中,确认了FDI内插算法的优越性;在接收端,通过理论推导给出了一种实现采用FDI算法内插后的序列最佳抽取的方法。计算和仿真结果验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
将声子晶体能带理论应用于装备外壳结构设计,把装备外壳圆柱壳段设计成周期结构。基于多子结构的双协调自由界面模态综合法,计算并对比了周期圆柱壳与非周期圆柱壳对弯曲振动的衰减特性。结果表明,周期圆柱壳中有弯曲振动强衰减带隙存在,而非周期结构中则没有带隙存在。进一步研究了轴向周期复合夹层材料圆柱壳的弯曲振动特性。同样,该周期复合夹层结构中依然有弯曲振动带隙存在,且在带隙频率范围内弯曲振动传播将受到明显的抑制。最后,考虑实际装备外壳形状,研究了含周期结构圆柱段的复杂装备外壳振动特性。研究表明,经过局部周期设计的复杂装备外壳保持了带隙特性,这说明了将能带理论应用于工程实际装备外壳的振动控制具有可行性。  相似文献   
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